Clinics We Offer

Our Clinical Team
Our Nurse Practitioners can both Prescribe and make Referrals. They can see a wide range of acute and chronic health conditions These appointments will be made by the GP on the same day after you have had your call back from the GP.
Our Practice Nurses run their own daily clinics at East Bergholt and Capel St Mary. These appointments can be booked in advance and may also be available on the day. They will see patients for the monitoring of long term conditions, e.g. Diabetes, Asthma, Stroke, Heart Disease, as well as cervical smears, contraception and new patient checks.
Our Phlebotomists have clinics at East Bergholt and Capel St Mary. Appointments for blood tests are available Monday to Friday from 8am and must be booked in advance.

Minor injuries
The practice offers a minor injury service during normal opening hours. The following conditions can be treated by the Practice Nurses or Nurse Practitioners:
- bruises
- minor trauma to hands, limbs or feet
- foreign bodies superficially embedded
- non-penetrating superficial foreign body in the eyes
- recent eye injury
- sprains and strains
- following recent injury of a severity not amenable to simple domestic first aid
- partial thickness thermal burns or scalds involving broken skin - not over 1 inch diameter - not involving the hands, feet, face, neck, genital areas

Appointments can be made with the Practice Nurses for the following:
- Annual reviews - Asthma/ COPD/ Diabetes etc
- Blood pressure checks
- BP monitoring - 24 hours
- Cryotherapy
- Dressings
- ECG/ 24hr ECG
- Injections - Immunisations/ Contraception/ Flu
- Learning disabilities
- Memory test
- Minor Op- Following GP screen
- New patient checks
- NHS health checks
- Pill checks
- Smear test
- Smoking cessation
- Spirometry
- Stitches/Staple removals
- Stockings- measuring
- Swabs - MRSA/HVS
- Weight checks

Appointments can be made with our HCA's for the following:
- Blood tests
- Blood pressure check
- BP monitoring - 24 hours
- Dressings - Following 1st appt with Practice Nurse
- ECG/ 24hr ECG
- Injections - B12 & Flu
- Minor Op - Following GP Screen
- New patient check
- Smoking cessation
- Spirometry
- Stiches/Staple removals
- Swabs - MRSA
- Urine testing
- Weight checks and advice
- Wound care

Ear Irrigation
In line with advice from the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and best practice, Constable Country Medical Practice no longer provides appointment for ear syringing to its patients.
Ear syringing is no longer considered to be the first line of treatment for the clearing of ear wax and it is not a funded service within the NHS for general practice.
Current guidelines are that ear drops should be used to soften the wax which will then enable the natural movement of the wax from the ear. Further information and treatment options are available on
If you would like to see a private audiologist, we have Graeme Sly from Micro Technology Ltd who see's patients at our practice in East Bergholt.